Women constitute only
14% of the total entrepreneurs in India,
8.05 million out of the total 58.5 million entrepreneurs.
Source -The Sixth Economic Census released by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation.
Women Entrepreneurship India is Ranked 52nd out of 57th Surveyed country – the low rate of Women Entrepreneurship in India
Source - MasterCard Index of Women Entrepreneurs (MIWE) 2018
Gender gaps in women’s’ economic opportunities—labour market and entrepreneurship—have remained high in India.
According to an IMF report (Sep 2018) study showed that in India entrepreneurship remains critical to harness the economic potential of women and thus, achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs) by 2030.
Female entrepreneurs are considered important for economic development and make a significant contribution to Indian Economy (IFC, 2014). Despite the economic importance of female entrepreneurs , their numbers still lags behind that of male entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurship is a tough path to tread even for the experienced but it is even more tougher for women.. For women these problems gets compounded as they are burdened with another set of problems stemming from the societal biasness in a male dominated society.
Her Career Foundation Support
In the event of failures or any other challenges faced by women entrepreneur’s, their morale is adversely affected, they may even give up before beginning. To combat these situations we support them with mentoring , training , networking with other women entrepreneurs .
HerCareer Foundation will be a platform for them with opportunities to grow and learn from others observations and experiences.
HerCareer Foundation will be instrumental in providing hand-holding and exposure to most of the women organizations in the country for their exponential growth in their enterprenuer journey.
Her Career Foundation provides Learning, Networking and Mentoring Resources.